Paintings Underground Dialogues.

This series of paintings were made in connection for a large touring exhibition Peter Wilson paintings 1979-82.

Mainly large diptychs 72ins x 144ins featuring broken frieze compositions with gestural paint handling.

“In Wilson’s painting ‘truth’ and ‘truthfulness are at best relative concepts. Painting is in any case an art of
deception, but Wilson again and again insists that things are rarely what they seem; that inner and outer worlds
rarely match”.

See the essay ’No Hard Feelings’ Sarah Kent art critic Time Out 1985 from the catalogue published and
distributed by Third Eye Centre(Glasgow Ltd). 1985.

“Pull a button off a cuff-rip a seam apart. Pretend it’s made of paper. Spread some Alizarin Crimson on a piece of
toast watch it stain the old enamel teeth.
Soak some Cobalt Blue on a face-flannel add hot water and rub it around your neck.Squeeze Emerald Green on
to a tooth brush and go up and down -the way the dentist suggests. Fill your socks with Zinc Yellow, plunge your
feet into the stocking tubes. Don’t forget to plaster your hair with Lamp Black, look monkey sharp before you go

Painting Song Peter Wilson 1979